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Bauchrieh, Barbar Abou Jaoude Street, Sfeir Building, 2nd floor

Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

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MINItrace is a fully automated, positron-emitting cyclotron capable of producing the isotopes needed to cover 99 percent of all clinical PET procedures. This highly versatile cyclotron can be configured in a number of different ways. By selecting different target systems and chemistry modules, you can explore tracer production for programs beyond oncology, such as neurology and cardiology.

Should you require more information, please click below to be redirected to GE Healthcare’s website.

MINItrace™ Qilin combines a small footprint with the capacity to go beyond in-house production to local distribution. It can run several productions consecutively with high reliability. This gives it the capacity needed to support three to four in-house scanners, while also meeting your local distribution needs.

MINItrace Qilin has one of the smallest footprints of all clinical cyclotrons, so it is easy to site and easy to install. It also comes with a self-shield option, giving you the flexibility to place it within an existing building.