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Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

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Versana Balance


Versana Balance ultrasound helps you provide reliable general practice care, OB/GYN, and MSK with no compromise on quality. This practical, competent system delivers comprehensive scanning for diagnosis and monitoring in private clinics, GP offices, and other primary-care settings.

Should you require more information, please find below Versana Balance’s brochure.


Count on GE Healthcare for equipment and support to help you reach new levels of GP, OB/GYN, and MSK excellence.

Versana Balance helps you see clearly with reliable, long-lasting image quality that ranks with the best in its class. Images provide high spatial and contrast resolution, helping you visualize anatomical structures and physiological function.

A broad range of probes and multiple ports support a wide variety of exams. Whizz one-touch dynamic image tuning constantly optimizes images as you scan, even as you move from one organ or region to another. You also get proven functionalities found on higher-end GE Healthcare ultrasound systems.

Versana Balance delivers diverse,GP, OB/GYN, and MSK imaging, giving you clinical confidence and your patients timely diagnoses and referrals. Intuitive design and automated tools simplify exams and streamline workflow:

  • Whizz
  • Scan coach and Scan assistant
  • Sono Biometry
  • Auto IMT
  • Fetus growth trend
  • Automatic 2D measures

and many more.